The Brief
We were tasked with creating an awareness video campaign for Marcolin, not only to raise awareness about cancer but also to highlight their partnership with AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research).
Why Don't Women
Get Mammograms?
Based on responses from women who choose not to get a mammogram, here are the reasons,
broken down by age group:

An interesting insight is that 22% of women who haven’t undergone a mammogram believe that thinking about cancer could actually cause it, so they avoid focusing on it altogether.
What AIRC says
According to AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research), the 5-year survival rate for patients after diagnosis is quite high, at around 88%. This is largely due to both screening and the increased effectiveness of treatments. Additionally, greater awareness among women has led to the majority of breast cancers being diagnosed at an early stage, when they are more treatable.